Calculon - Workstation
Flexo - Gaming laptop
Bender - Intel Nuc/HTPC
Hmm my Synology NAS is called Syn, I need to find a more appropriate name for it.
Calculon - Workstation
Flexo - Gaming laptop
Bender - Intel Nuc/HTPC
Hmm my Synology NAS is called Syn, I need to find a more appropriate name for it.
When I added the contact form on my website, I wanted to add reCaptcha so it would protect me from spam emails and make it easier for people by not having to click on pictures of fire hydrants. Reading a little about the privacy concerns about reCaptcha, I dropped it all together. I am in the EU, have a small numbers of visitors, it’a B2B thing so it was not worth it.
Same with r/antiwork they closed briefly and when Reddit sneezed their way, they opened the sub instantly. Talking about hypocrisy.
The change will come once people start searching for stuff on Google and they get results which link back to lemmy. For that to happen we need people asking for help/feedback and getting their answers here.
Op you need to explain what you mean. I am out of the loop.
You might be onto something