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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • I think the vast majority of unions out there are good, but there are definitely a select few that give the rest a bad reputation.

    At one of my previous jobs, our union was one of those that gives others a bad reputation.

    It was a seasonal job, we had to pay the union whether we wanted to be in it or not. If we had an out of season work meeting for training, all of the money that we earned would go straight to the union and we might end up with a $2 check (if that).

    We tried working with the union reps, but they just seemed so out of touch with our group. They would give themselves a big pat on the back for getting everyone a 2% raise and then raise the monthly dues… We barely made minimum wage so a percentage increase like that meant nothing to us.

    10 years later and most employees working there are still just earning minimum wage while similar jobs in other cities nearby are earning twice that (at least).

  • While this is definitely something people should be doing, doesn’t the attorney general only act out if they get enough complaints, or if the complaint stands out in some way?

    Will they actually work with someone to resolve their specific complaint every time?

    From what I’ve seen, at least the BBB will try to specifically address your issue with the company and is probably a much easier process to carry out before trying to take things further.

    Or is there something about using the BBB that would prevent you from filing a complaint with the attorney general, or prevent you from going further with something like a lawsuit?

  • Definitely not a movie night, you don’t get much of a chance to really know the other person from that, and if either one of you decides that the other is crazy it makes it a little harder to dip out.

    Ideally something simple that’s good for getting to know the other person while being able to leave at any time. Coffee, shaved ice, frozen yogurt, etc. Then a walk through a park or along a beach, or just sit down/people watch, and discuss your interests to see if either of you are interested in a second date.

  • Agreed. Traditionally, “gaslighting” is specific to cases where a manipulator tries to convince the other person that they are crazy over time. The end goal is to make the other person doubt their reality so much that they will only rely on the manipulator. Basically, it’s a conscious attempt to brainwash someone.

    This comes from a story where a “husband secretly dims and brightens the indoor gas-powered lighting but insists his wife is imagining it, making her think she is going insane.” All so that he can steal from her. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting#cite_note-8

    Unfortunately many today misuse this term to mean something closer to the definition of “lying” or when someone is trying hard to influence you…

  • Civil asset forfeiture in the U.S.

    We’re supposed to be “innocent until proven guilty” but they get around this by saying that they’re essentially accusing the money (or car/home or whatever) of being used for crime. Then they confiscate it and the only way to get it back is to go to court and prove that your money is innocent.

    The fact that cash/possessions can be taken away from you at anytime by federal agents (or by police in almost every State) without having to follow it up with any sort of case to prove that a crime occurred is ridiculous. And on top of that you can’t get the money back that you spent on attorney fees, so it’s pointless to spend money on an attorney if what was taken was less than a few thousand dollars.

    Most people don’t know that this can happen or don’t seem to care enough because, “it would never happen to me, right?”


  • I think you’re misunderstanding what the Forward Party is. You can be a part of any side of the political spectrum and still fall in line with the Forward Party.

    The only thing that the Forward Party cares about is overhauling the voting system with something better: RCV, Star, Approval, etc.

    They don’t take a stance on much of anything else.

    And in terms of priority, any candidate endorsed by the Forward Party has my initial vote. If multiple candidates in the same race are backed by the forward party, then I will start digging in deeper to figure out which one I want to vote for.

  • My plan is to vote in candidates at all levels that are endorsed by The Forward Party.

    We need to overhaul our voting system so that we’re not trapped in this downward spiral of a 2 party system that we’re currently in. Ranked Choice voting, Star voting, Approval voting… they all have pros and cons but any one of them is better than the current system that we have.

    The way we get better options for Presidential candidates is to have a voting system that gives other parties a chance.

    I don’t care if I have to vote for a particular Republican, Democrat, or some third party individual for this to be accomplished. Following the trend of “vote out all Republicans/Democrats” is how we got here in the first place.