Babylon is burning

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • But that is not a true democracy anymore then …

    Rousseau continues to motivate his second premise by providing a second source of instability for democracy. He raises the idea that populations of states are too large for democracies to function, stating that “it is contrary to the natural order that the greater number should govern and the lesser number should be governed. One cannot imagine the people remaining constantly assembled in order to attend to public affairs” (Cahn 341). In a democracy with thousands of people, especially during Rousseau’s time, there was no way to collect everyone into a space to continually vote on topics. Today, technology may exist to facilitate mass voting, but there is still not adequate time for all citizens to educate themselves and holistically cultivate their views on every issue. There is also the issue of the population wanting to remain assembled for legislative purposes. A large portion of the population could be too disinterested in politics or occupied by personal matters for the nation to remain assembled. Rousseau also brings up the point that a democracy “would not know how to establish commissions [to attend to public affairs] without the form of the administration changing” (Cahn 341). In a true democracy, when everyone participates in legislation, it is difficult to restructure the legislative branch, or develop a separate executive branch to enforce laws without altering the structure of the state to the point where it is no longer a true democracy. By creating smaller tribunals for political matters, the population’s participation in politics is reduced, thereby reforming the state into a new mixed system that is not a true democracy.


  • Nacktmull@lemm.eetoich_iel@feddit.deich🦺iel
    1 year ago

    Ich habe gerade vor ein paar Tagen einen typischen Autofahrer erlebt der erst fast zwei Radfahrer getötet hat und dann als er deshalb von denen konfrontiert wurde -anstatt sich zu entschuldigen- anfing einen Vortrag zu halten wie sehr ihm die ganzen scheiß Radfahrer-Umweltschützer und Konsorten doch auf die Nerven gehen. Wenn ich mir dann angucke was deutsche Explodierer in Zeiten das Klimawandels so in den Kommentarspalten schreiben sobald es um Umweltschutz geht (gRüN-KoMmUnIsTIsChe öKoDiKtAtUr!!!) habe ich absolut keine Hoffnung mehr. Der durchschnittliche Deutsche ist anscheinend nicht aus versehen sondern mit Absicht und aus voller Überzeugung ein dummes, unbelehrbares Arschloch und findet es gut Radfahrer anzufahren und die Umwelt zu zerstören.