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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • I’m not sure this is still the case, but I enjoyed Apple Music way more than I did Spotify. I discovered more related artists I liked and thought the UI was better, used more of the features etc. I only use Spotify now because I can share a family account and pay less because of that and I also don’t have a Mac or iPhone anymore so the apps are kinda bad (at least were bad when I last tried them, several years ago).

  • Got a few of these but I’ll share the one I thought was right as I read the title. Not sure it really fits, but it’s a fun story:

    Was in Lanzarote with my grandma, mom, and her then fiancé about 15 years ago, when I was around 20 years old. My grandma is pretty fun and likes to have a drink so we kept sneaking away to the closest bar to wherever we were.
    One day we find this tiny bar with no other people and go in, sit down and each order a Margarita. After a few minutes we hear whispering and snickering from the bar and see that the two female bartenders are looking at us and sneakily gesturing towards us as they are whispering. They take a really long time to get the drinks made, to the point where we almost got up to ask about it but we’re Swedish so it’ll take a lot to make us actually do that.

    When we finally got the drinks the girl that brought them winked at me and I had no idea how to interpret that at first. Then my grandma mentions how strong the drink is after a few small sips, I reply by saying that mine is basically virgin (without alcohol) and that’s when we realize what’s happening; The bartenders thought my grandma had found some “fresh meat” and was trying to get me drunk enough to have her way with me. I was visibly nerdy and inexperienced with alcohol back then so they tried to save me from the jaws of a Cougar.

    We immediately came up with the plan to visibly switch drinks and for me to chug mine and then overplay how drunk I became. It worked better than we had hoped, the girl’s eyes widened and their jaws dropped as I chugged and they kept looking over with wide eyes and their hand covering their mouths as I played more and more drunk and flirty.

    After a while we couldn’t stop our laughter anymore so we let it out and told the girls that she’s my grandma. They made sighs of relief and started laughing too. When we ordered more drinks they told us they’d make them extra strong as an apology and for a well-executed show. I didn’t have to play drunk after that, had my first really bad tequila hangover the day after.

  • It isn’t easy for many though, either or both because of mental or physical reasons. Your comment is a very classic case of “this thing is easy for me and works for me therefore it must be the same for everyone else”.

    My anxiety, which has kept me on long-term sick leave for 10+ years, basically shuts down my body and ability to act. The vast majority of the time I’m completely unable to leave my apartment and often even leave the exact spot I’m in. “Just do it” just isn’t possible most of the time, and that isn’t an excuse, laziness or unwillingness. And this is just my specific case, there are as many different and just as real cases as there are people that also find it hard to do whatever thing is hard for them. There is never a “just X” that’s valid for everyone, and it’s idiotic and offensive to think and say so.

  • What does “asg” mean, that’s on Sweden? I’m a swede and never seen that.

    Edit: I looked it up and didn’t find anything at first but did after a couple of different searches. Apparently it’s an abbreviation of “asgarvar” (basically just means laughing your ass off). But neither the word or the abbreviation is common at all. We use “haha” or “lol”.
    This just makes me believe more of the map is not correct.

  • A thing that always felt so weird to me is that there are so many other websites and services that work basically the same yet the people that run them don’t have such a shitty attitude about it. I’ve been in that position myself and you need to just ignore the idiots, they’ll always be there no matter what. I’ve always felt that the people behind gog-games need to get their heads out of their asses, if you look anywhere they communicate with people (which is VERY little) it’s just complaints, defensive and offensive statements.

    Please note that this in no way means I don’t appreciate the heck out of their work, I do and I have donated to them.

    But I really think they’re just doing themselves a disservice by treating basically everyone like shit. I’ve seen this exact behaviour in other places and it never ends good, and it was always their own damn fault by being unable to ignore and filter out the crap. Everyone else handles it and doesn’t act like dicks about it.

  • Not a movie but The X-Files series.
    When my little sister and me were at our dads for the week we used to take our covers and pillows and lay down between the TV and the sofa, which our dad slept on. He had the TV on basically 24/7 so we’d watch something together and he’d fall asleep and then me and my sister would move to our beds after a while but often falling asleep ourselves right there on the floor. We had been doing this for years and then they started airing The X-Files late at night on the channel we mostly had on. I almost always fell asleep last, so I ended up being awake for a couple of episodes and they really traumatised me. I remember being the only one awake and being so scared I didn’t dare to even move my head or even breathe fully. I did tell my dad about it but he’d always fall asleep pretty early and I’d forget to change the channel.

    Years later both my sister and me had gotten too tall to fit laying down between the sofa and the TV so we had stopped that tradition but my dad still always fell asleep with the TV on. They started doing reruns of the series and that damn intro music was so scary for me that I would have a battle with myself of just riding it out or getting up and walking down the dark hallway to change the channel. Both options were bad in their own ways. I still get shivers down my spine from the theme music.