I think Acolyte would have been a good show if they had ditched the kung fu gimmick and concentrated more on the writing. I think the overall story was a good idea that got buried under a mountain of marketing crap.
I think Acolyte would have been a good show if they had ditched the kung fu gimmick and concentrated more on the writing. I think the overall story was a good idea that got buried under a mountain of marketing crap.
Oh yeah? Well I had the titular line in Star Wars…
It just seems like Microsoft desperately trying to get anyone to use Edge lol
I wouldn’t be surprised if you clicked “install anyway” and another warning popped up that said “Please just use Edge? Just try it for a little bit? Pretty please? We’ll be your best friend if you do”
The entire Planet Zebes. Just without all the monsters lol
It’s supposed to be the Germans version of the “funniest joke in the world” from the Monty Python sketch they were talking about in the previous comment. I’m pretty sure they made it nonsensical because they never actually say what the English version of the joke is lol almost all of them were fluent in German
Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
I was just going to comment mine is the entire album Reign in Blood lol I’m glad I’m not the only one
This is pretty much entirely automated these days. If you’ve watched anything streaming with subtitles lately you’ll see nobody seems to even care if the subtitles are accurate or correct anymore either, I wish they would hire people to at least proof read them lol
Is it waterproof in case I need to clean my fingers in the shower?
phase??? I’ve been actively into Tool since the 90s
I couldn’t read the whole article because it’s behind a paywall, but the answer is Trump and the Republican party made sure everyone stayed divided and at each other’s throats because they’d rather see millions dead than try to work together with the left
50% rye crisps and 50% taco flavor Chex
People still talk about Reagan like he was some kind of god-king. He never had the kind of rabid violent followers like Trump does but that’s the closest one I know of
You’re really describing a small but very vocal portion of people with kids. I don’t think most parents are that concerned about it.
The people who you’re describing only had kids because they grew up being taught that that’s what they were supposed to do wether they actually wanted kids or not. This very specific group get upset that child free people are somehow going against the plan by not bending over backwards to accommodate everyone who did have kids.
They’re also constantly angered further when they see child free adults having a fun relaxing time while they’re stuck wrangling their own ill mannered progeny.
They certainly are very petty, angry, frustrated people but they definitely don’t represent everyone who has kids lol
I assumed OP was asking about hobbies that can’t be done the old way anymore because everything has been converted to a newer way that makes it easier but not as much fun anymore. Like in the example I posted earlier it’s now impossible to buy a fully handmade high quality guitar anymore unless I want learn how to build it myself from scratch or pay thousands of dollars for a high end custom guitar because almost all affordable guitars are built on assembly lines now
When I was a kid me and my friends who lived on my street would always trade or borrow our NES and SNES cartridges
I used to go out to bars with my friends and play darts in college and it was always fun to just play and even make up your own rules sometimes! That makes me kind of sad that something as simple as throwing pointy sticks at a board had to be computerized… I could see the benefit if you were playing in a pro tournament or something, but just trying to enjoy a game of darts with your buddies definitely doesn’t need all of that
It really did seem like they were just making stuff up as they went 😂