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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • And then you also have different meanings depending on pronunciation, here some examples:

    • umfahren: to drive around something or to run over something

    • Montage: the act of assembling or the plural of Monday

    • übersetzen: to ferry across a river or to translate into another language

    • umschreiben: to rewrite or to paraphrase

    • durchschauen: to look through something or to understand

    • unterstellen: to place something underneath or to imply or accuse someone of something

    • unterhalten: to hold something underneath or to support or to converse with someone or to entertain

    • wiederholen: to fetch something back or to repeat something

  • I have been looking for a job for 4 months now and have never used LinkedIn to search. I had very good experiences with Google for Jobs, where I could set up alerts for certain search terms and the radius in which I was searching, whereby you can also exclude cities if necessary. This meant I didn’t have to use another job board, I only used it for forwarding. Since the last rework, Google for Jobs almost always finds the company websites with the job advertisments directly, so I no longer have to look at job boards at all, a very pleasant experience. I used LinkedIn once to test it and all that came up was generic crap, it’s unbelievable how a site that’s supposed to be about professional life can be so sub-par at finding jobs. But soon you can play games on LinkedIn, that should solve all their problems. And just to conclude this post, I successfully found a job with this method.

  • I can’t give you an answer to the legality question, but some additional information I heard in a podcast: The acquisitions came at a time when money was cheap and people were playing a lot more video games because of the pandemic. Unfortunately, they miscalculated because money is now much more expensive again and the gaming industry has not been able to retain these players across the board. Only 4 games that have come out since then have brought in much more than the production costs, which then had to finance the remaining ~15 (all from my memory, but it should be in the order of magnitude). That didn’t work out and so now cuts have to be made to avoid burning even more money.

    If you understand German, I can send you a link to the podcast, if you’re interested.

  • Ich bin immer wieder verwundert wie viele Leute anscheinend das OS dieser Fernseher benutzen. Ich benutze schon ewig Android Geräte, erst Fire TV Stick, dann Nvidia Shield und auf Android kann man sich easy Adblocker installieren oder Smarttube um bei YouTube keine Werbung mehr zu sehen.

    Das OS des Fernsehers seh ich eigtl nur wenn ich mal einen USB Stick anschließe wenn man mal schnell Urlaubs-Fotos guckt und ich das darüber auswählen muss.