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Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Meowoem@sh.itjust.workstoMemes@lemmy.mlbit of a hot take
    10 months ago

    That’s because no one pays attention to the huge developments in infrastructure or the amazing new technologies coming to market - e fuels like sequestered carbon jet fuel made from excess renewable power, and no it’s not a science fiction dream it’s happening now. Of course we should have more funding for these things but they are happening.

    A huge part of that problem is that people resist even the slightest positive change, paper straws are fine but I bet there are people who like this post who also liked posts complaining about them - if we stopped organized sports and spent that half a trillion on transitioning local infrastructure or establishing carbon sequestration systems with productive use of captured carbon (e.g. building materials that get landfilled at eol) we could move much faster, but no one will give up a single football game to save the planet they’d rather bomb something and feel like a hero

  • For speed control I wish every car had easy to use cruise control and speed limiting, I hate having to constantly worry I’ve crept above the limit and will get a ticket especially on long boring roads littered with speed cameras.

    Imagine just being able to concentrate on what’s around you and where you’re going without needing to be endlessly worrying about engine revs, speed enforcement, and the potential cost of getting either wrong.

  • Meowoem@sh.itjust.workstoMemes@lemmy.mlI LOVE MANUAL TRANSMISSION
    10 months ago

    It’s funny manual is the standard here so there’s no ego boost to driving one, people always tell me it’s because we have more corners which has never made any sense (I e. You need to go into second or third at roundabout which I think older autos would have a little lag with or something, certainly not a problem in cars from this century)

    I would love an automatic, i think it would make my driving safer in several ways, for a start not having to focus on gears at key moments like navigating road changes and corners or pulling away in a busy carpark. When I drove in the US it was so nice not having to constantly be doing stuff in traffic that I wasn’t anywhere near as tired which again is a big safety issue

  • Meowoem@sh.itjust.workstoMemes@lemmy.mlDebate
    11 months ago

    Yeah, I can’t understand anyone who doesn’t come away with a deep sorrow for her character - certainly compared to infinitely lucky forest. She tries so hard to be a good person despite everything awfull happening to her every single time, he just does what he feels like and every time he has the best luck ever.

  • It’s so hard to know any specific advice but I’d say when you’re getting into gardening plant more than you need and try different things - ideally write on labels what you’re doing with that one, like try some in bigger pots, different soil, more light or shade, different pruning styles or planting times. It’s fun and a great way to get a feel for your plants, instead of thinking ‘oh this plant is rubbish’ try to come at it more like ‘oh that’s what happens to a tomato without enough light’

    Also YouTube is full of great gardening videos, the lesson type ones get boring once you know what they’re going to say but watching people show you their garden and talk you though everything and how it’s been growing, what they’ve done too it and etc can be endlessly fascinating

  • I do think that numbers here are much more complex than people give them credit for, firstly no gardener I know only grows six tomatoes and secondly there are added benefits which come from it being an active hobby plus various health benefits.

    I think there are bonuses that are very hard to get elsewhere, making friends by sharing excess harvest for example - if you brought tomatoes and give a bag full to someone you barely know they’ll think you’re odd but give them a bag of ones you’ve grown and next time you see them they’ll tell you how nice whatever they cooked with it was and at some point they’ll probably give you a couple of courgettes or invite you to pick from their strawberies while they’re away.

    It gives a real connection to reality and passing time too, watching your plants struggle from the soil, potting them up and helping them through the various stages of life until they’re fruiting and ready for harvest. Watching the weather, keeping track of how much it’s rained and when to plant different things or what to water and feed - it’s very grounding, especially learning to accept whatever comes because you can only do so much and the rest is out of your control.

    I could go on but just one more thing, having excess fruit opens up so many possibilities that you’d never bother with otherwise, making pies and jams just to make use of them feels so good and it’s such a great way to discover new things - my dad made a recipe he found for courgette cake partly as a joke in a year they had a bumper harvest and now it’s everyone’s favourite cake.

    Actually one more thing, I was away from home recently and had to buy things I’m used to picking, herbs are insane prices! And awfull quality. A widow box full of herbs saves about twenty dollars a month and that’s without even taking into account having a tub of coriander (cilantro) for mojitos.

  • Yeah it’s a sorting problem, in capitalism every decision where it’s morality Vs profits the worst person gains more power. Take Microsoft as an example, they used immoral business practices because they were obsessed with creating monopolies while many of the company’s they famously destroyed were run by people who were tech obsessives and cared about making a better world.

    I absolutely agree the super rich are conspiring to fuck over regular people, I also think being super rich is horrible for your mental health. Elon as a great example, so many of them end up lonely and isolated but also in the spotlight so they feel they have something to prove and the only thing they have is money so they use the to try and get the respect they’re desperate for - I think that’s why a lot of them turn heavily towards people that do worship their money.

  • Rothschilds are actually a fascinating family, almost none of the accusations thrown at them are born out in real history and a huge part of the stories are opposites - Alex Jones was yelling about them doing all the intentional slave trade, actually they lent the money to the British government to end it when all the other bankers refuse because they were outspoken campaigners against slavery.

    Of course he’s an idiot even for right wing conspiracy theorists but the more reasonable anti Rothschild taking points all stem from the same pedigree, it’s like a snowball that’s kept rolling. I’m sure they’ve got plenty of corruption in their past and present but the idea of them as this super powerful evil elite just doesn’t really hold water.

    Oh and I agree with your concept but rich people are too greedy to cooperate, they work together to fuck us over but they’d fuck each other over in a heartbeat

  • Yeah, it’s stuff that shitty shops like Woolworths used to sell for £9.99 but it’s £1 with postage included now and straight from the source.

    You can get some total rubbish and you can get some generically shit stuff that’s as good as anything else in the shops, there’s great stuff too compared to other options but it’s hard to find.

    Quality is generally better for things designed for the Chinese market, they just sell overstock cheap where as the made for export is made to be cheap.

    Really quality isn’t a huge issue in manufacturing for a lot of things because everything is well within basic tolerances of the machines, is it’s just a few bits of plastic and a PCB then they’re going to come out the same from anywhere

  • No it’s an air defence weapon not a light show, they purposely intersect the beams to create plasma to target missiles and planes - a super hot ball of plasma is impossible to defend against and can move as fast as the motors on the laser turrets can reorientate, like how searchlights move faster than planes or now you can just pivot your hips to keep a F1 car in the frame of your camera rather than running along beside it.

    It’s got a lot of huge advantages like not requiring ammo so in theory could just slice through a fleet of drones or dozens of decoy missiles without extra cost or logistics however the energy costs are huge so it might not be a fully realisable tool.

    I actually think that them sinking billions into r&d but ending up with an impractical device could be why there’s enough drama to get this in the senate - it’s also possible that the whole hearing is designed to look like a poor cover up of the plasma tech so that China thinks it works and invests in r&d only to waste time and effort. The CIA used to do similar to Russia all the time with things like remote viewing.

    Certainly I can’t think of a reason aliens would be zigzagging around in busy sky, where as it being a secret test project would also explain all the ‘cover up’ stuff about high level agents taking radar data and telling people not to talk about it, etc.