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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • Yeah. The litigation risk is considered high right now, and no one wants to be first to try it.

    Which I totally get. This place is largely run by volunteers, after all.

    We saw similar hesitation in the early days of WordPress/Wikipedia/Drupal proliferation. Eventually those solutions greatly enabled sites like BlogSpot and Tumblr to become wild places, and niche sites to pop up for stuff that BlogSpot and Tumblr didn’t want to touch.

    I can think of a few specific anti-spam and security tools that strongly enabled casual admins of WordPress to start sites.

    I think we will see an erotic golden age once Fediverse moderation tools cross some unknown usability threshold.

    Edit: I come across here as really excited about porn. Lol.

    Art has a long history of being erotic, and beauty appreciation is one of the better things technology can do.

    I am also really excited for the rest of the content that will thrive after demand for porn has pushed the technology to maturity.

  • I’m not sure what to do.

    On Mastodon, I used the search function to shotgun random topics that interest me, and then followed all the hashtags on the posts that came up.

    Over time, I started replacing following hashtags with following my favorite users who I discovered through those hashtags.

    Then I started discovering and following their favorite users through their boosts.

    Now that my feed is pretty much where I want it I tend to click “hide boosts” on anyone new that I follow, to prevent their every random amusement from cluttering my feed.

    The end result is fantastic, but it took awhile to get there.

  • Yeah! I think that’s going to sway in this place’s favor very soon.

    I predict a glorious age of the very best curated pornography being here.

    As other preferred platforms enshitify, I expect a lot of innovate erotic sensual and/or dirty artists (new and established) to have a dynamic, accessible, profitable experience here.

    It’s probably going to be very horny, but also really beautiful in a lot of pro-social ways.

  • If your software can save lives, I guarantee the people whos lives you saved didn’t forget you.

    I appreciate that thought. I don’t believe it. But I appreciate it.

    A lot (if not all) of the lives my work saved don’t know anything about the part I played, or even that my software had anything to do with it.

    I’m okay with that. I know that there’s families out there that are more whole today, thanks to my work. That’s more valuable to me than any footnote in a history book.

    Someday those families will be just as dead as if I had done nothing. But I did do something. Millions of extra moments happened with family members who could have died.

    Beautiful things that are eventually forgetten are still beautiful things. To me, that’s enough.

    I’ve been on the other side of this, too.

    I have no way to thank all the people whose medical engineering work extended my grandfather’s life by decades. I don’t know any of their names.

    But, I hope they know that people like me revere their efforts as sacred. (I’ve made some effort on that front, but I know I’ll never thank everyone who deserves my thanks.)

  • I was going to build some kind of long lasting software that improves everyone’s lives.

    I’ve built some genuinely impactful stuff. Some of my work has saved lives.

    But that long term worthwhile project hasn’t materialized. Everything I’ve built is now either tossed out and forgotten, or has long overstayed it’s welcome.

    I take it as a zen lesson about the ephemeral nature of all things. All we are is dust in the wind - including the stuff we make.

    Now I mostly make whatever someone is willing to pay for, and just however well they’re willing to pay for. (Edit: Lately I have the privilege to select employers that I think do some genuine good. That helps how I feel about it. I did a lot of ‘meh’ work on my way to where I am.)

    I do make a few handy little things on the side, but I’m no longer burdened with my past delusions of grandeur.

    10/10. Would give up the dream again.

  • If votes were anonymous here, I might “come out” as my professional self and share more from my resources that can be used to Identity who I am.

    I’m concerned that my voting pattern is probably already being collected to build a profile on MajorHavok, to decide whether MajorHavok should be favored or disfavored in anything owned by old Elon or Zuck or Bezos.

    Elon is a fuck up, but he still owns a lot of places that I might need to use for my work.

    So, for now, it’s pretty important to me that MajorHavok and John Jacob Jinglehimer Schmidt are kept as separate identities, so that John’s employability where Elon/Zuck/Bezos has influence will remain unaffected.

  • For what it’s worth, I’ve been there. I was pretty sure we were headed towards divorce (my decision) because my partner’s sex drive just wasn’t a match. I was sticking around to setup my partner to be more financially stable when things started to turn around.

    Tons of practice at (super awkward , at first, and always naked) communication is the main thing that helped us past all that.

    Also, some natural life changes happened, like the kids getting older and becoming less effort.

    It can get better with time and a lot of talking about it.