25+ yr Java/JS dev
Linux novice - running Ubuntu (no windows/mac)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I love in a suburb of a Midwestern state capital.

    Here are my walking distances: (I’ll do my best to convert distances)

    • To the nearest convenience store: 3.2km
    • To the nearest chain supermarket: 4km
    • To the bus stop: 2.75km
    • To the nearest park: 1.5km (it’s a pretty decent park with a swimming/fishing pond)
    • To the nearest big supermarket: 12km
    • To the nearest library: 2.4km
    • To the nearest train station: 10km (this isn’t a commuter line, but a long distance city to city line). This is also where intracity buses are boarded.
    • To State Capitol: 13 km

    Of all of these, only the walk to the Capitol is shorter than the drive (by about 1.5km) due to walking paths. I’ve never walked it all in one go, but I have walked both halves of the trail.

  • Kids are great. I mean they’ll break you for sure, but in good ways. Challenge you. You’ve got probably 8-10 years where they adore you no matter who you are. Then a few years where they barely tolerate you no matter who you are. And then you get to find out whether you did good or fucked everything all up.

    Forget raising them. They observe and mostly raise themselves other than sometimes needing some help or advice that they may or may not ask for or accept. They’ll be bits of you peppered in with bits of your wife and a bit of someone you don’t even recognize.

    And none of them are evil, though when you’re ripping up carpet because your daughter wanted to know how many gallons of water the towels in her closet could hold, or repainting because your toddler is Pablo Poopcasso, you might think so.

    But there are special moments you couldn’t have with anyone else in this planet. And I’m not saying they make everything else worth it — no they just give you enough sustenance to try to hold onto your sanity a bit longer. But the experience is unique and worthwhile.

    Sorry, I’m not trying to talk you into kids, just got me vibing thinking about mine. I have five. Three are out of the house. And raising them has been a wonderful and humbling experience. But I don’t have room left to fawn over anyone else.

  • I have 85 people blocked. Most of them for spamming, probably. The rest for harshing my mellow by aggressively being assholes to others or just because I’ve realized my personal experience is more pleasant with their absence.

    I don’t owe my attention to anyone. I see lots of comments here about refusing to censor alternate points of view, but that’s not it. I can enjoy healthy disagreement, but some folks make some agenda their entire identity and I just get tired of them constantly injecting it into every conversation.

    On the other hand there’ve been many people I’ve disagreed with, engaged with, found some common ground, and continue to enjoy their presence even knowing we don’t see eye to eye. Or, if they post about other things, I just ignore the rants I disagree with. It’s not filtering out points of view, it’s filtering out people whose presence makes Lemmy a source of stress rather than an interesting, vibrant community. That’s obviously very subjective, but it’s my block list and my peace of mind.

  • Do you have the connections to run a dryer in your bathroom? In the US, you’d need 240v electric or a gas supply which aren’t commonly found in a bathroom. Also an exterior vent.

    I suggest a combo washer/dryer which runs on 120v and uses a heat pump for drying. They are quite expensive in comparison to just a dryer, but can be used anywhere you have water and a drain and the total cost would likely be less than having 240v run to the bathroom.

    Or maybe you live somewhere where this isn’t so, in which case disregard this.

  • How are they dying? The only issues I tend to run into are the belt wearing or people sucking up shit that gets them clogged. Every time one of our vacuums stops working, my wife is about to order a new one and I disassemble the broken one and find it’s full of tape and bread ties and fabric scraps and, naturally, dog hair. I have to do this all the freaking time because neither my wife nor kids gives any fucks what they suck up.

    I haven’t had one actually break in years and we buy cheaper vacuums, so I would look into a full disassembly and cleaning out the guts and cutting hair off the roller before necessarily seeking a replacement. If you’ve already done that, then fair enough, but I’ve brought back dead vacuums at least a dozen times.

  • I guess I shouldn’t have said every time. The last two or three times (still used to try to power through just to not go to the ER). They used to give me Vicodin or Dilaudid, but they’ve gotten super stingy with opioids. Which I understand but for freaking kidney stones???

    I get opioids are a big problem for some people but back in the days of over-prescription I’d have spares for years that could help when my back went out or something. I was a very responsible user, frequently not taking them as soon as I could bear the pain without them. They need to get back to a middle ground or find less addicting medicine that works as well.

  • If you can jump through hoops with doctors and insurance, look into Ajovy. It’s the only preventative that helps with my headaches, and it helps really well. But it’s an expensive auto-injector and I had to run through several meds that don’t work before insurance would approve, and I still need a discount card to help with the copay, but I’ve had about a 95% reduction in headaches, and the ones I’ve had were mostly mild and easy to control with Tylenol or at most a triptan.

  • I haven’t had shingles, and my appendix lasted until I could get it out, but I am with you on the kidney stones.

    I’ve had 5 or 6 kidney stones and “the big one” has been harmlessly hiding in my kidneys for a few years. Every time, I think I’m going to power through the pain because the ER only gives you like one or two doses of Toradol and sends you on your way with FlowMax and useless NSAIDs which I can just get off the shelf. I’ve never powered through the pain. Every time I wind up paying like $250 for 4-6 hours of relief.

    To this, I’ll add I’ve had migraines that made me want to drill holes in my skull. They’ve been bad enough that if I’d had a gun, I’d have used it. I’m not saying they hurt more or less than kidney stones, but I can’t tolerate headache pain like that. It’s the difference between “my back is in agony” and “existing is agony.”