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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • They would go bankrupt.

    No matter how anti-capitalism you are, I hope you can see how broken the argument being made here is. The absolute reality is that, without protections, things like pharmaceuticals would never exist at the scale that we enjoy them.

    Of course examples of things that require years of research would exist. However, there would be far fewer of them than there is today.

    Patents and copyrights have become corrupted. They need reform. We have to remember though that when they were created, it was to improve the world that existed ( the world that this commenter thinks would be better ).

    Patents and copyrights were not invented because making companies richer was a goal. They were invented to better society. They were created with the recognition that, if we wanted companies to invest in innovation, and if we wanted individuals to commit to a long, intensive creative process, that they needed protection. The downside of capitalism at the time was that evil corporations and unscrupulous entrepreneurs could steal your hard work. Patents and copyrights were created to right that wrong and to promote a culture of creativity, invention, and innovation. And it worked wonderfully. We all benefit.

    Now, things have of course been corrupted. The idea of “intellectual property” has emerged and we get nonsense like calling copyright violations “piracy”. The protections have been extended far. The penalties have become too great. The idea of public benefit has taken a backseat to profit protection. All this is bad. Throwing out the baby with the bath water is not the answer.

  • UX people cannot make their own apps without hiring devs ( requiring money ).

    Devs can create Open Source apps but they cannot afford to hire UX guys so the UX sucks.

    Larger projects can attract both devs and UX guys but getting to popularity is hard and, even then, coordinating these diverse teams ( eg. dev and UX ) take project management skill and effort. That is yet another skill set that has to volunteer to be paid.

    For a proprietary app, you simply hire the people you need. When you start, you need UX either to attract uses or money. So, UX is one of you first roles you spring for if you are proprietary ( depending on the market ).

  • The brand promise of Reddit was pretty simple—it was the “Front page of the Internet”.

    It did not get popular because of the sub-communities or that there was a sub for everything ( at least not at first ).

    Reddit became a thing because it was a single destination that aggregated and curated interesting content from the web that “interesting” people could comment on. If you were only going to make one stop on the Internet, it could be Reddit. Uses could share the main URL by word of mouth and new users would get the same experience. As content grew, Reddit became high ranking in search results.

    Lemmy does not really offer the Reddit experience to a new user. New users do not want an offer to find an instance or create one, they want to experience the content, get addicted, and come back.

    The closest Lemmy has right now to early Reddit is Lemmy World but how do new users know that? Actually, I guess old.lemmy.world is the closest. :)

  • The concept was known but far fewer people had been exposed to those ideas and thought in those terms. That you think it is so obvious or that math as complex as geometric compounding is so obvious to you would be the actual big reveal.

    On prices, the really interesting thing is not that prices are higher but that what things are expensive and what thing are cheap has radically changed. Basic food and clothing is dramatically more affordable. Anything involving human craftsmanship is much more expensive. What os available for sale would absolutely boggle the mind. Not only did a huge amount of it not exist in the past but, only a long could even contemplate buying most of what did exist—at any price. Food is a great example. Empires rose and fell pursuing or exploiting the riches of fruit and spices I can buy for the change in my pocket from any of a half dozen merchants within a couple miles of me competing for the privilege.

    The fact that I can buy anything not only by waiting a piece of plastic at time but also the magic brick in my pocket ( phone ) might intrigue them as well. Basically, not matter what wonder you go to show, the real magic might be something so basic to our everyday that you did not even consider that it was required for the thing you are trying to show.