• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • My personal experience:

    I just took a look at my “Before & After” pictures that span May-Nov 2019. I lost 57Kg of fat and put on about 13Kg of muscle. It was interesting to look back at the slideshow just now!

    Although it is difficult to distinguish the muscles growing vs. the fat shrinking, it looks to me like my increase in muscle mass started to be noticeable from around the 3 month point. By “noticeable” I mean that the “definition lines” started to be visible although major increase in mass isn’t apparent.

    The increase in mass looks like it started around the 4-5 month point, at which point I had progressed past the “do my best” beginner workouts, and had established the required strength, endurance and range of motion to take the next steps, so to speak.

    So I first noticed my strength, endurance, range, and muscular definition increasing, and later noticed the size increase.

    I would like to encourage you to keep at it, and don’t chase results. Do what you’re doing with the goal of being happier, having fewer health complications and pains, a little bit of vanity which is totally fine, and let the rest take care of itself.

    One of the things that can be very defeating is to assume you will have reached an arbitrary goal by an arbitrary time-frame. Try to shift your perspective to realize that you’re doing all the right things, perhaps there’s some efficiency tweaks but that’s another story. Keep going and don’t measure your progress against anybody else but you!

    (I want to acknowledge that my story is not normal. Nobody should ever lose 10Kg+ a month. I’m one of these a__holes that has to do 50% of what most people need to get the same results though and that’s a blessing. I also have digestive and nutrient-absorption issues but I’m not sure how much that plays in.)

  • User Forty2 made a great comment and I agree with so much of that.

    Do not focus on stopping a behavior. Focus on slowly moving into a new behavior until the old one slowly disappears.

    You can use transitional steps. What I did, was to change from regular soda to diet, and I did it by slowly mixing diet into the sugar until the proportions had reversed. And eventually you got to the point where it was mostly diet. There, I successfully changed to diet soda, I didn’t do it overnight, I took a month to do it and it was easy that way.

    This applies in all areas of your sugar consumption.

    For example, if you’re taking two measured tablespoons of sugar in each coffee… Start by reducing that amount by 7%. Yes, literally that small amount… But you layer one change on top of the next, on top of the next, once you have some success. It will take you literally 3 days to get used to the smaller amount of sugar, and you’ll barely notice it… And once that feels good, you reduce my another 7%

  • Roasted almonds. Tons of protein, lots of fiber, often keeps me sated for longer than a “balanced” meal.

    I buy them raw and roast them myself, it takes 15 minutes in the oven on a pan, that’s it. I have a giant tub that I go to when I need them.

    Yes, they are calorie dense due to the oil but this is a replacement meal, not a daily thing.

    It’s actually amazing how far 100 g of almonds will take you in a day. I managed to lose 130 lb of fat by incorporating various high protein nuts into my diet.

    Edit: Unsalted only. Salted nuts just provoke greater sensations of hunger.

  • A digital assistant that can follow me around using the data my phone provides, and then use that data to actually suggest ways to improve my life.

    “My phone” knows everything about me, where I go, what stores I visit, how long I’m there, transactions, etc. It knows all my contacts, all my social relationships, all my appointments, shopping lists, all my text messages, etc.

    “Assistant has determined you stop for cigars about every 4 days. We’ve found this online store that will deliver your brand at a lower cost”

    “Assistant overheard you mention that you need sugar, and it is absent from your shopping list.”

    "Assistant will suspend realtime driving directions because it overheard you say ‘shut the fuck up, I’m stopping at 7-Eleven first’ "

  • 720 streams run from strange websites in timbucktoo have higher fidelity than the 4K stream I paid good money for.

    Here’s a great price and you can share it with your friends. Wait not those friends. Wait your phone isn’t authorized anymore. Okay you authorized your phone but you need to authorize it again. Okay we just doubled the price and cut the quality again. Now you can’t watch the movies that you downloaded for offline viewing without an internet connection. Now your ad-free service has ads.

    Netflix can take a long hard suck on my pudding factory, they’re never going to see another penny of my money again, and this is from somebody that goes back to the DVD days of Netflix.

  • I’m glad you feel satisfied, I really am.

    I’m not invested in this conversation to break you down or tell you you made the wrong choice.

    I just think it’s much better for people to live in the reality of the situation. And the reality of the situation dictates a few things:

    1. Any effort to remove your comments in a permanent way from Reddit servers is not happening, and the technical reasons have been described; effort to prevent the sale of your comments in this manner is fruitless.

    2. Reddit leadership, administrators and developers have gone on the record saying that they simply restore deleted comments and those from deleted account at their sole whim and discretion.

    The natural conclusion is to accept that you got burned by Reddit, and if you don’t want to contribute to them anymore, the only method to do so is by not participating in their app or site. You cannot retract your past participation and people need to understand this. Every time the discussion comes up about deleting one’s comments and account, it should be clearly pointed out by informed individuals that it will not achieve the desired objectives.

    I really think it is better to describe how hopeless it is, so people get an understanding of some of the more sinister motives and machinations Reddit has.

  • I seriously never had a major gaffe.

    My buddy Donny, however, repartitioned and overwrote the wrong hard drive… Destroying video that took in the neighborhood of about 9,000 hours to render.

    This was in 1996 1997 so you can only imagine how devastating that was when our rendering farm was 10 machines with Pentium III’s.

    Seems trivial now when we have so much computing power at our fingertips, but 10 computers as a dedicated rendering farm was considered insane at that time.

  • Important to note that many also blame other men.

    When they sit there looking at a girl, frustrated and angry that they can’t talk to her as they grip their beer with increasing strength… I just walk up and say hey how’s it going.

    In that scenario, I am a massive asshole that has deprived them of the opportunity to have that woman. I took her attention all for myself and left him none. Even though at no point was he ever going to let this woman know he existed or talked to her.

  • I’m obsessed with learning about particle physics and quantum mechanics. And of course slowly learning all the math that underpins it.

    I just find myself to be very curious about how the world works, in many different ways.

    It’s exhausting having to go into the defensive posture simply for saying I’m interested in a subject that is way over most people’s heads. Instantly arouses feelings of inadequacy in people. It never fails to sully the enjoyment of my passion, and create tension between friends.

    That and pro wrestling.