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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • I find this meme to be absolutely vile.

    The good people of Afghanistan have been under violent US occupation for decades, and as their final move, the US looted the central banking reserves.

    This effectively drained the savings of everyday Afghanis. They no longer have access to their bank accounts. The US stole all the money.

    I often wonder, would the good people of Afghanistan be able to overthrow the evil leadership of the Taliban? I wish they could, but overthrowing the Taliban is much less likely when the US has left you in a state of devastation, poverty, and famine.

    Then those same western chauvinists can post memes like this, delighting in the Afghan people’s suffering after causing so much of it. Disgusting.

  • If we “all agree” and do a moonshot construction plan we could have electricity in 8 years. This is a fantasy, tho.

    Best case scenario in the real world is operational in 12 years.

    In the capitalist hellscape here in the US, a reasonable expectation would be 18-20 years.

    20 years also happens to be the lifespan of our wind turbines. In 20 years, all of the currently running wind turbine blades will be in a landfill and new ones will need to be manufactured to replace them.

    No reasonable person is suggesting nuclear as a short-term option. It’s a long term investment.

  • Are solar and wind really “clean” energy? Everyone in this thread seems to ignore the costs of these methods.

    Every modern wind turbine requires 60 gallons of highly synthetic oil to function, and it needs to be changed every 6 months. That’s a lot of fossil fuel use.

    Lithium mining for batteries is extremely destructive to the environment.

    Production of solar panels burns lots of fuel and produces many heavy metals. Just like with nuclear waste, improper disposal of these toxic elements can be devastating to the environment.

    Of course, solar and wind are a big improvement over coal and natural gas. I dont want the perfect to be the enemy of the good, I just want to be realistic about the downfalls of these methods.

    I believe, with our current technology, that nuclear is our cleanest and greenest option.

  • Civil war? Not even close.

    Outright corruption? Business interests have always ruled the country, this is not new.

    The bigger picture is that America is the most violent country since Nazi Germany. No other country comes close to our death toll. We spend $1trillion each year on violence and weapons- and those bombs must be dropped, because we need a reason to spend >$1trillion next year.

  • There have been a handful of good studies on the harms of drugs over the years, and they all published the same conclusion: The recreational drugs that are most harmful (both to society and to the user) are heroin, meth, and alcohol.

    Just like heroin, alcohol is not gentle, nice, or not a big deal.

    Why do you think one is socially encouraged and the other two are demonized?

    The prohibition model was a failure for alchohol, and it’s a failure for heroin and meth too.