That’s really not on point about if you have an issue just breaking off and making anothered fractured community.
How many times do you do that before it’s just 1 person. Exactly as humans and the internet intended when it joined people together over distances not needed to be traveled?
Everyone gets what they want as long as it’s being alone so you can never wrong?
No I don’t love it here but I compromise because that’s the point. This is where people are.
But sure you got me. I live in a society so how could I be such a hypocrite.
To bad for you, it’s all just grammatical nonsense!
This exceeding trifling witling, considering ranting criticizing concerning adopting fitting wording being exhibiting transcending learning, was displaying, notwithstanding ridiculing, surpassing boasting swelling reasoning, respecting correcting erring writing, and touching detecting deceiving arguing during debating.