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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023


  • You are talking about Henry Bennett. This is a myth though. While he did have stairs like that, he died in a care home after years of declining health. His actual cause of death wasn’t announced, but it was likely because he had been in rapid decline for years and just before going into the care home, had a stroke.

  • The mass school shootings didn’t really take off off until the mid 2000s. So we are really just seeing the generation of constant mass shootings come into adulthood.

    When columbine happened it was rare for that type of shooting to happen at a school. The actual rate of school shootings was rapidly dropping by the late 90s too. It is still much lower than it was, only these mass shootings has increased. So, with it being, at the time, a rare event, and shootings in schools on a rapid decline, it just didn’t hit the way it seems to have affected gen z/alpha.

  • It is because there is actually no documentation of biden being associated with Epstein, like with Trump and Clinton, that was a lie, and the stuff about touching ranges from photos that are not nearly as weird looking when seen in the context of video footage, to videos that are more like him putting his hands on kids’ shoulders, patting their heads, etc., nothing really that strange for an old man interacting with small kids, a stretch to call it something sinister at best, and a claim that, while may be true, has a number of issues in its story.

    It is, as they say, a nothing burger, unless something with a lot more strength behind it, comes forth.

  • Back in the day I used to work at one of the largest hospitals in the US. In my last year there they had started having doctors record their notes, issues order, and prescriptions, on an audio file, using and issued microphone. Then that stuff was sent to a group of people transcribing everything in text. these scribes would also fill out forms for the orders and prescriptions. they did this in response to a series of lawsuits they lost badly.

  • yeah, when hillary called the trump cultists deplorable, and a bunch of people wigged out, crying about her saying mean things, all I could think about is how I have heard that, and much worse, from right wing media, for as long as I have memories. At the time people would say “but she did it as a candidate on an official forum”, or something similar, while her rival was just a sewer vomiting this type of sentiment, and worse, on a daily basis. And all the people who spent so much time calling everyone snowflakes, completely melted down over one insult.

  • Ha, something similar happened to my grandmother, though they claimed to need to read her meters. My grandmother is in her 90s and has a lead a hard as fuck life, she takes zero shit. So she immediately thought it was odd that they didn’t say which utility meter they needed to look at, nor did their uniforms have anything more than vague identifiers on it. So she said oh? which meter? What utility? She said they stammered a bit but said water, and she said, ok, the water meter is right there, pointing to the meter in the back of her car-port. Then they tried to come up with some BS about how they need to get the “other” meter readings at her water-heater. She knows that isn’t a thing. So she said there isn’t such a thing, you need to leave. They immediately started to argue and she said “I have no qualms shooting two men trying to rob me”. They left, they were yelling they would tell the police, their utilities company, the department of public works, etc. She said she needed to take her heart medication right afterword, but was otherwise fine. Well guess what? Nothing came of it. Thing is, she keeps a small gauge shot-gun next to the door and would have, indeed, shot them if they tried to get inside.

  • A way I have found to explain federated social media to people, that seems to work is this: Imagine reddit, but instead of one company, with one administration, owning the whole site, it is a bunch of different reddits, that are independently run, that choose which other reddits they wish to associate themselves with. When you log into one instance, you automatically can see, and interact with, all the other ones that one chooses to associate with. You can have accounts on as many instances as you would like, even having accounts on instances that do no associate with each other.