• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Someone could potentially decide to post something like that in a memes community to cause trouble, which would be worrying for a self-hoster like me. My instance isn’t subscribed to anything remotely sketchy, so it sounds like I’m unaffected here, but it could happen.

    Ignore the previous, that’s literally what they did. I went in and manually purged it from the command line by removing every image from the last 24 hours. For other lemmy admins wanting to do the same (assuming a standard docker setup): sudo find /srv/lemmy/example.com/volumes/pictrs/files -type f -ctime -1 -exec shred {} \;

  • Jamie@jamie.moetoMemes@lemmy.mlSimple trick
    11 months ago

    What was incredibly strange about my situation was that it was initially a DNS problem, it couldn’t resolve the addresses tha tthe hotel wifi wanted it to get to for the portal. I double checked, and basic DNS queries were working, just not those ones.

    So I figured, I’ll go on my phone, grab the IP addresses it’s connecting to, stick those in my hosts file, and they’ll get resolved. Well, this worked for the first portal address, but the one it redirected to couldn’t be reached. Nothing I tried worked, so I had to do what I described above.

  • Jamie@jamie.moetoMemes@lemmy.mlSimple trick
    11 months ago

    Last time I went on vacation, the hotel wifi wouldn’t let my laptop on for some reason, but my phone was fine. The portal to log in just wouldn’t come up on my laptop.

    So I took my phone off the wifi and just spoofed my phone’s MAC address on the laptop. Did that for the whole week I was there.

  • Jamie@jamie.moetoMemes@lemmy.ml🙃😵💀
    11 months ago

    I only eat one real meal a day and supplement with light snacks and plenty of fluids. As long as that one meal is something of substance and not say, a ramen packet or something like that, I feel pretty good. There are people that do one meal a day with no other food intake at all, too, but that’s a bit low for me.

  • Jamie@jamie.moetoMemes@lemmy.ml2023-08-09.jpg
    11 months ago

    I enforce ISO 8601 for the shared storage in my office. Before I got there, files were kinda stored in all kinds of formats, but mostly month first.

    I tell the person under me she can store her files in her user any way she wants, but if it goes into shared storage, it’s ISO 8601. I even have a folder in there called !Date format: YYYY-MM-DD Description to help anyone else remember.

  • In my experience, nobody cares about experience. They care who you know. I came out of college with several years of experience dealing with Windows and Linux servers, and run Linux as a full time OS at home. Nobody cared.

    My friend in the military has a Senior Engineer looking to set him up as a developer at Microsoft once he leaves the Army, and he had to ask me what language/IDE he should start learning to code with.