I mean no harm.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • I have begun to see that YT is being hostile to adblocker users - and this worries me. I assume YT is already probing the clients to see which are circumveting the ads.

    I had an (let’s say unconventional) idea at one point: an add-on which only purpose is to show the YT ads in the background which uBO blocked. All of the blocked ads would be played (eventually) - except that the user can just ignore this happening in background and wouldn’t be actually seeing the ads. I.e. the browser would just move playing the ads into a background container not visible to the user.

  • Jokes on merge… when a rebase editing goes wrong after +15 commits and six hours, and git hits you with a leadpipe: “do it. Do it again, or reassemble your branch from the reflog.” I.e. you commited a change very early, went over bunch of commits resolving/fixing/improving them and at middle way forget if you should commit --amend or rebase --continue to move forward. Choose wrong, and two large change-sets get irreversilbly squashed together (that absolutely shouldn’t), with no way to undo. Cheers. 👍

  • Splitting water and keeping the H2 converts the energy into chemical energy. The oxygen is just dumped into the atmosphere, which is a loss of efficiency I think? What I know, H2 is the highest form of chemical energy there is.

    Some processes require burning, or cannot be electrified otherwise. It’s these where the hydrogen is needed directly. I think hydrogen is a source material that should be mostly be converted into other chemicals. Etc. methanol and ammonia are more easily storable, unlike diatomic hydrogen which can slowly diffuse through a metal wall, enbrittleling it. Clean ammonia production could replace a giant mass of fossil fuels.

    Here is an another rabbit hole: most of your body’s nitrogen is from ammonia and the fertilizers made from it.

  • JATth@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlIts all Linux !!
    2 months ago

    The NT kernel in isolation is apparently quite “ok”, from what i have heard of it. It’s the spyware, malware, driver crap (“windows”) running on/using it which is unquestionably totally fucked and disgusting. If they were to FOSS the NT kernel, I could maybe support an such endeavor.

  • The https://ektoplazm.com/ is still up, though with archive mode and a rate-limit. Please clone it. One day I’ll start a process that I’ll not regret, while I/you can.

    I have a puny 30GiB slice of it, and it’s the best thing that I have. All for free. Non-pirated. (the owner has reported the total space consumed is multiple a 1TB)

    Btw, Infected is making a gig in my town. And I’m struck with disbelief of the absurdity of it. Here? no way. Bust a move will be my vain. If I could inhale it I would.

  • A dum question: if both candidates are unable to function, then what happens? (Trump for his crimes, Biden for getting dementia…)

    Meanwhile in Finland: the Finnish version of “build the wall”:

    Parliament’s Administrative Committee will not resume its discussion of the Refoulement Act until after the weekend. The committee is still so far behind schedule that it could not complete its work today. The debate on the bill continued during the committee meeting, which started at 5 p.m. but ended quickly. Peltokangas says there was no drama at the meeting. https://yle.fi/uutiset/lyhyesti/74-20097017

    The bill needs 5/6 parliamentary approval and politicians are already sweating over it because it touches too many international treaties + constitution. Debate is mostly: is it ready yet? is it ready yet? is it ready yet? (While the committees checking the bill are getting more uneasy by the bill’s content…)

  • JATth@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldrollin' coal
    4 months ago

    Especially now that they’ve started releasing tritiated water into the ocean for the next 20-50 years or whatever the fuck the plan is supposed to be.

    the tritiated water is no-more concentrated than what other power plants around the world release. (the latter may be surprising to know) In addition, tritium has a half-life of only 12.3 years and is diluted in a literal sea, which is an extremely good radiation shield.

  • I have been using uBlock Origin and uMatrix together for so long, that I don’t remember when they became permanent must have… uBlock origin sanitizes the site, while uMatrix prevents any surprises since I last visited a site. The more garbage the site is, the more broken it is on my setup.