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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • The size of a nation doesn’t inherently determine the success of socialism. There have been historical examples of relatively small nations with socialist-inspired policies and economic structures that achieved positive outcomes. I was moreso making the point that nations are different from communes existing within capitalist nations on a variety of levels.

    Socialist principles can be applied at different scales. Micronations and small nations can focus on social programs, resource distribution, worker-ownership, etc., regardless of their size.

    For taxes, while infrastructure and services are vital, a truly communist system wouldn’t depend on taxation in the traditional sense. The idea is for the community to directly produce the goods and services it needs. Again, this runs into conflict when a commune needs to exist in a capitalist framework.

    Commune members would contribute their labor and skills, and in return, directly receive what they need. This minimizes the need for a complex tax system as seen in capitalist societies.

    Regarding financial integration, a communist system wouldn’t rely on traditional capitalist financial models focused on competition. Trade and international exchange would likely be based on cooperation and needs fulfillment instead of pure profit motives.

    The challenge lies in managing the complexity of large-scale bartering or exchange systems on an international level, but it’s not necessarily impossible. For a small commune in a capitalist nation, though, I can’t see that ever happening.

    For land, the issue isn’t about violently seizing property, but rather transforming the concept of ownership itself. In a communist model, the means of production would be collectively owned by the community.

    For the legal stuff: you’re right! Legal structures exist to support collective ownership (co-ops, land trusts, etc.). The issue is how those structures interact with a dominant capitalist system and its legal frameworks.

    For anticommunist interference, yes it is illegal but when has that ever stopped anyone from harassing their political opponents?

    Hope that answers most of your questions!

  • Funny related story: someone in my city signed up for a mortgage but used my phone number on accident. I got 40 spam calls the first day, and still get calls about it years later. I even got a message from one of his friends one time looking to catch up. His name is Brian and he works at a local restaurant as the GM, I learned all this just from info fed to me by third parties.