I am very typical earthling. I like earth food and earth drink and earth sports and earth media. Im all about earth things because I am so typical and earthling. so typical as to be very boring and not worth investigating or looking into because I am definately from earth.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • boy this really depends. Is it a hive mind kind of thing or are we independent? Is there a prime? Do the duplicates have a shelf life or will they live a normal life once duplicated? I mean if they were independent and lived a normal life. Like some kind of spontaneous clone where we shared memory up to the point of duplication. Well then I would never do it. It would be worse than having children. If it were like a hive mind and we could re-absorb and such. mmmm. not sure as its basically a super power at that point. would likely use it casualy or as need be. Would definately make any carrying task easier. Even then it sorta depends how the hive mind works in terms of multitasking and such.

  • Yes as I said. Down the line disabled will be used such and because we cow tow to such people disabled will be such in a decade. Im not honestly engaging in the concept of connotation in that im not sure if that is what we are discussing as it is not a commonly used word so and not using them causes discourse to be rather limited. My god dwarfism is a thing as well and a dwarf implies a different condition than midget. These words actually have meaning outside of use as a derogatory which again is not their main usage. These words were not created as deragatories. Where I grew up in the middle of the block was a place called NSAR. I don’t remember what it all stood for but the R was retardation. Now this place housed, fed, educated, and helped adult people with retartdation get jobs. Did they do this to troll them with their deragatory name. No, they did not collect and spend this money for their welfare in a secret mission to be jerks. On the other hand there has been a troll individual using the term in troll posts that I have reported and downvoted because they are just throwing it around as an insult. Due to such usage its now avoided, and it is a freakin medical term. We seen this with things like woke and pepe the frog and I have heard people use special or differentially abled to sarcastically insult someone. We can cede terms all we want but its not going to stop jerks from being jerks and maybe people consider me a jerk for feeling this way but I still feel the way one uses language by some should not have us just throwing things out of the lexicon.

  • I likely do not have a good perspective of that as it basically is when I went to college so I did not have the time I had especially when you take early career as well especially because I went an extra year, did one year in a PhD program and then after a year of work started looking to switch careers By the time I was back into things video/audio/gaming media got so good that text went the way of the dodo for me but even with that I have a good like decade of being not very plugged in.