As far as pay goes, doing from web development to dispatch is (probably) going to be a pretty big step down in most cases. Going from warehouse to EMS dispatch is probably going to be largely a lateral move (although likely with better benefits, if you’re working directly for a municipality).
As far as my own pay rate is concerned, I would be fine with the amount that I was paid if it was annually adjusted for inflation and cost of living. As it stands, I make less money–in terms of purchasing power–now than when I started five years ago.
Not strictly necessary. If his parents were US citizens–and they aren’t–then it wouldn’t matter where he was born. Kind of. I think that there might be residency requirements for children of US citizens that are born abroad, e.g., if your parents are expats and you live all your life in another country, you might not be a citizen, but it’s complicated. You’d def. want to contact an immigration attorney if that was the case.
The point is that Musk, since he wasn’t born to US citizens, and since he wasn’t born in the US, isn’t eligible to run for president.
It’s an open question as to what happens if he ran anyways, and how votes would be tabulated, etc. It would get messy, but I don’t think that it’s ever happened that someone ineligible has run for president and won any significant amount of the vote.