• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • So what you have to know about anarchy is that the vast, vast majority of unjust hierarchies are social constructs. Patriarchy, gender binary, whiteness, the state, neuronormativism, sanity, capitalism, religion.

    These all exist in the mind. So to know the mind and understand it is to know hierarchy and to know anarchy. To be able to change your thoughts and those of others is to be capable of praxis. Materialism alone cannot create anarchy. Socialism, yes. But not communism. Communism comes from the power to destroy the shackles and weapons of the mind. This is chaotic anarchy, the anarchism of the psychonaut.

  • I use simple science to evidence the existence of the gods. Richard Dawkins is actually responsible for the scientific breakthrough that proved theism.

    See, Dawkins came up with this model of the “meme” and the field of memetics. The core concept is that ideas spread through the human population like germs. They reproduce, mutate, and some ideas are fitter than others. In other words, they’re subject to evolutionary pressures. They behave just like living organisms. They grow and change in order to secure their own survival and dominance in the ecosystem.

    So if ideas are alive, and some ideas are the gods, then the gods are alive as ideas. They act to secure their own existence. Take the cultural genocide enacted by Christians on the rest of the world during colonisation. This is easily explained by an idea that wants to be the only god anyone believes in, and which can act to this end. Because the strains of the meme which propagate the most are blind and hateful loyalty. The Christian god really is alive and he really does control Christians. He’s an idea, and he wants to be in everyone’s head.

    Every god worshipped by some religion, no matter how small, is real. They are made real by worship.

  • Sense is made by the observer. Let me illustrate with an example. Suppose I were trying to determine whether pills can really cure illnesses. So I ask my friends where I can get some pills to do this experiment, and they refer me to their ecstasy guy. I try experimenting with ecstasy to find if it can cure the common cold, covid-19, and cancer. After rigorous trials, I correctly determine that ecstasy cannot cure any of those illnesses. And then I read the incorrect conclusion that pills don’t cure illnesses. My mistake was over generalising. It was a bad methodology.

    Likewise, many people experiment with only one religion and determine religion is bad. Just like in the example I experimented with only one pill and determined pills aren’t useful. It’s the same mistake.