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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Actually statistics show that an encounter with a bear is orders of magnitude more dangerous than an encounter with a man. Obviously. I encounter 1000s of men as I was down the street and I’m not dead yet.

    Yes, it’s very unlikely to run into a bear. But if that’s the point you’re making, you’re missing the predicate of the question where the encounter is already assumed.

  • I think hyper polarization is one of the greatest societal issues we face currently. Whether it be war of genders, politics, etc. We are losing the calm middle ground that should be the majority without outside influence.

    It’s so incredibly easy to polarize. We see it in this thread too. The top of this comment thread is a polarization too. Essentially dividing men into 2 distinct set of groups. You’re either good or a villain. This dichotomy is ridiculous and every social community eats it up like crazy, this Lemmy included. These create effects of over abundance, as you mention of caution, fear and hate.

    If anyone actually thinks that they’d be better off with an encounter with a wild bear than a man, they’re just stupid and insane. Just walking down the street, I encounter 1000s of men. If there were 1000s of bears, I’m sure no one would go there. But we’re not appealing to logic. We’re appealing to feelings that’s been derived from these polarizations and sadly I see no way for this to end.

  • I haven’t been part of the modding scene for a while now. But most likely, none of their public APIs were changed. Naturally, I could be wrong since I didn’t read the patch notes, but that’s typically not where it goes wrong.

    Many modder, and I mean many, do not find Bethesda’s provided APIs to be sufficient for their goals. So people extend those APIs further with their own libraries and scripting engines. Then other modders build on top of that extensions. These work against the binary code of the game and contain a list of pointer addresses in binary. So even the smallest changes to the game binary ends up making all of these extensions to stop working.

    These mods have a headache anytime any kind of updates are pushed. It’s an API thing, but it’s not the API Bethesda made.

  • Grumpy@sh.itjust.workstoMemes@lemmy.mlfreedom of speech
    10 months ago

    Not sure what the meme is referring to, but this is actually true in some aspects.

    If there are 100 people in a room and 1 person is just super loudly talking the entire time, it silences out 99 people. The ability to talk of the 99 is silenced by the 1. If you limit the amount the loudest can talk, you give the other 99 more freedom of speech. From a utilitarian view, you gained more freedom of speech as a whole by reducing the freedom of speech for one.

    People who say things like these generally conflate the concepts of “I want to remove others’ right to freedom of speech” with “my freedom of speech was taken away” when they often want to do the former.

  • Grumpy@sh.itjust.workstoMemes@lemmy.mlFilters man
    11 months ago

    You probably don’t know how to take photos well. Try different angles. Especially from above you if you’re doing a selfie.

    Camera from close up have a very different viewing angle than eyes from close up due to single vs dual. But far is similar. So you can try to use a selfie stick or get someone else to take your picture to be closer to how you normally look. Further you go with zoom lens tends to make it better. Although that also tends to make the camera more big and expensive.

  • Grumpy@sh.itjust.workstoMemes@lemmy.mlThe Adblockalypse is coming
    11 months ago

    I’ve actually looked at the papers published, and I don’t even understand how what they’re proposing could possibly cause adblock removal. Web Environment Integrity happens at a layer before things like adblock even loads. They’re completely independent processes. So the whole thing feels like misdirected fear imo.

    So… to answer your question. Never.

    You should fear though. This will give Google unprecedented control over the internet. Just not fear for adblock.

  • I think many math from people generally suggest guys get about 0 to 1 matches per day on median. Though, average is much much higher because top very small percentage of men get a crap ton, even more so than top girls. Whereas girls usually get in teens per day for median.

  • Grumpy@sh.itjust.workstoMemes@lemmy.mlChile 🇨🇱
    11 months ago

    These kind of lots are fairly common in semi-rural areas in NA tbh. No incredible drama to it. They already have a house with nice lawn. But want to sell the farmland as they don’t want to farm. Sever out the house and garage, and you get weird shapes wedging into the farmland.

  • Depends on how you define VPN.

    First, lets assume they have internet there. Not satellite internet. Literally connected permanent internet connection. I don’t think this is a safe assumption because it’s a literal island. Second assumption, we’re talking about IP geolocation and only that. Not other methods of geolocation because then VPN is irrelevant.

    Can you setup a VPN on Little Saint James island, connect to it, and use it? Yes.

    Can you get an IP that when you geolocate, it will say: Little Saint James island? Extremely unlikely. So much so that I would say no.

    Would an ISP actually assign a block and geolocate that to that specific island and nothing else? Probably not. What does that mean? It means the IP address that gets assigned to a more general purpose “Virgin Islands” kind of geolocation rather than a specific place.

    Take this example. Houses with street number 1 to 100 is in queens. And 101 to 200 is in Brooklyn. And ISP decides, we have blocks of 64 IP assignments. So it gives houses 1-64 a Queens geolocated IP. Then houses 65-128 also Queens geolocated IP. And the rest is geolocated to Brooklyn. Then if you lived in #120, your IP will say Queens even though you live in Brooklyn.

    That island is TINY. And it’s likely a single subscriber of internet. It’s a single owner and might get a single IP address, why would you even assign multiple? There’s no need. And there’s virtually no chance any ISP is gonna bother to geolocate a single IP. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Even my example of 64 is just an example and is incredibly high fidelity that’s rarely done.

    IP geolocations could even be entirely wrong and say it’s Chicago when it’s Queens. This kind of stuff happens all the time for various reasons.

    IP geolocation is not an accurate thing to begin with. ISPs will assign large blocks of IP to a specific geolocation. It will be shared and it doesn’t even technically have to do with physically same region. It doesn’t have to be correct. They just want it somewhat accurate.

    Can you ask the ISP to give you a larger block of IP and have it geolocated specifically to that island and do everything OP is implying? Yes. That’s exactly what businesses like data centers do. But this is just an island. There’s really not much reason to do this.

    So to answer the question more simply. Even if you set up a VPN there, it won’t say it’s there.

  • (We’re all gonna get super downvoted anyway)

    I’m not sure where you got your definition of fascism, but I think the more formal definitions of it would say otherwise. But! Your definition, I think, is more in-line with how we use that word in the modern times. So, I’ll stick with it.

    I think the left side fascism is lot harder to spot whereas the right side fascism is very obvious.

    The extreme rights literally go around waving the nazi flag. They’re obvious fascists.

    The extreme left has a different approach to fascism. They’re like, “Oh what you say is offensive, and it’s not nice. You need to be nicer and say these things. You’re hurting people’s feelings.” But by doing that, they’re effectively taking away speech and enforcing their world views on others. They’re just as intolerant of opposing views and will happily snuff them out. The cancel culture that has become the main weapon of the extreme left is most certainly fascism.

    I also don’t believe extreme left are for being actually nice, they only want to push their specific agendas in a fascistic manner since they happily ignore other marginalized population and will even make fun of them. They are not nice people. For example a straight white man (which I am not) could be struggling to live for any reason. Could be illness, could be abused, anything really. But just because he is in the category of the straight white man, they’ll just insult him and how he deserves what happened to him, all the while ignoring everything else about him. He isn’t the oppressor, he isn’t the one who did wrong. Does it matter? No. That’s prejudice. And no one will defend those people, because if you do, you’re also not a nice person and must be cancelled. Guess which group does defend them? The extreme right. I wonder which side he’ll pick then.

    Edit: Grammar

  • Grumpy@sh.itjust.workstoMemes@lemmy.mlFacts don't care about your feelings
    1 year ago

    Slightly in tangent. But I think problem of finding a partner these days is that most of it now happens online, though dating apps. And they are a breeding ground of the most shallow and judgemental viewpoints in human history.

    I forget the exact statistics, but according to some dating app, men swipe “yes” to like 60-something percent of the women. Women on the other hand swipe yes to like 4%. At a glance, while that does have a large disparity, you just think… Oh, women are more selective. And I think that’s fine and they should be. But problem is that all other women are selecting the same guys. So the top tier men, whether in looks, height and/or wealth are banging 100s of women. While the bottom majority of men are never getting any matches. From the woman’s perspective, every man they date is a cheater. That’s obvious, these guys have girls lined up as far as the eye can see. They have zero reason to settle with you. From majority of the men’s perspective, they never get any matches or get constantly ghosted and get angry. Majority of men don’t cheat, frankly they don’t even have the opportunity to cheat.

    Men get angry at incredibly high standard of women which keep rising since women doesn’t have problem sleeping with men higher in social ladder, albeit briefly. And women get angry at incredibly high number of guys who are just there for sex and have no interest in you as a person.

    In real life, you see people first, build an understanding about them and start consider dating. If you know that guy is a cheater, a woman wouldn’t pick them. A guy could go up and get to know them instead in dating app world where seemingly every woman ghosts you.

    I think dating apps are ruining the “finding a partner” problem.