just wait till arm becomes mainstream
just wait till arm becomes mainstream
the real problem for me was paying toplay online games and having no way to install games but the ps store
hab mal nen paar von denen genommen und vom hügel in der stadtmitte papierflieger gebastelt und mit freunden versucht die möglichst weit fliegen zu lassen
time to block me because not voting for biden increases the ods of trump getting in office
i agree but voting 3rd party is the same as nit voting because you only have 2 realistic options which makes it more likely for trump to become president than if you voted for biden (also fuck tankies)
makes me wanna double suicide whoever invented this
stable>>>>beta>alpha<<devel ^ yogurt
you can write oop without inhetitance
drake is a pedophile (alledgedly) and kendrick is a wife beater (alledgedly) but only kendrick has a pulitzer prise for verbally fucking peoples shit up
ich fands eig ganz cool gab auch morgentheater unterwegs wenn sich mal wieder die obdachlosen beim bahnhof geprügelt haben =)
theres a book full of recepies using semen
not even vegan but honestly you seem to care way more than the vegans i’ve met lol such a snowflake
if the books is any good is the title just clickbait?
i mean i dont agree wiyh the other takes and leaking nudes is a very stupid and assholey thing to do but taking nudes and sending them to smn isnt the smartest idea either tbh
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Friendzone nah thats poggers her rizzler can have that gyat
Absurd take tbh everyone can use Linux mint at least