My home has windows, but sometimes I play with the penguins in the backyard

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • They are advocating for agile, therefore if you challenge anything about their direction, they will invoke the magic Agile word to silence criticism about their methods.

    It should be seen as a method that can be adjusted to the team, but this attitude blocks adjustments and improvements even before they start. Its even worse, people will just do anything “Scrum” tells them and reflecting, especially learning from the previous lessons, gets silently lost since the impression overcomes, that it is not allowed. From management side this is fully approved, I mean these people are expensive Scrum Masters, so they know what they do.

    As you mentioned the team is the source of success, not the method itself. The “Don’t” stated previously is on point there:

    You’re bending your team/process to fit agile, and not bending agile to fit your team/process

  • Really appreciate your based and realistic comment, thank you! Sound like a cool place to work at and shows, it can work out good.

    I think the tool is very powerful and a benefit for all, but only when used right. Actually I find myself or at least my thoughts in almost all of your points about basic shit.

    Edit: either I fckd up or the app but my reply about the cult thing was not meant to be a reply to your description and sharing

  • My intension was to make a harmless little fun about scrum masters who extensively use colors and communicate like they have a conversation with children. But holly F this escalated quickly and just sounds creepy. Like a cult where non-believers are considered evil or unholy. Do these people still live in a reality where they go to work to earn money in first line? Are they hostile to people thinking different? Sorry, but this really creeps me out.

  • Die Reparatur-Kultur ist ja bewusst zurück gedrängt worden. Früher war es zum Beispiel vollkommen normal sich einen neuen Akku fürs Handy zu kaufen, da spreche ich gar nicht mal von Fachgeschäften.

    Ich hab mal ein Display vom Handy getauscht, aber da drin war alles so verklebt, dass ich es als Laie nicht gerade rein bekommen habe und es irgendwann wieder kaputt war