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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2022


  • I played the Anthem beta and quite a bit at launch. Really enjoyed the game play but stalled out at the final difficulty tier in endgame. A combination of low drop chances and bad itemization made the progression ridiculously punishing at that point. And having only 3 dungeons, and useless open world content made the loop even less enjoyable.

    Anthem could have been a great game if it had a little more content, had worried less about player retention and provided borderlands style loot quantities, and had tuned the items better (having 1%-400% ranges was bullshit, and that variability across the 4 different modifiers per item, with some modifiers being useless, like +ammo pickup vs +damage for example, made most drops useless. And most drops being useless made the low drop rates brutally aggravating.)

    Also FOMO shops are dumb as hell and I’m convinced they generate less money. If you offer something cool that I’d want to buy, but I was at work so I missed out, now you don’t get my purchase, and I’m resentful. Just sell shit like normal.

  • Conservatives, famous for reining in the profiteering of corporations, banks, and landlords.

    Granted you are correct about the liberals sucking insane ass. But I don’t think the solution is to once more flip back to conservative and then repeat this exact same thing but reversed in a decade. Both the cons and the libs have shown very clearly over the past decades thar they can’t govern properly.

  • Why do you think this is a peaceful resolution?

    The current status quo of apartheid and genocide is not exactly leading to a peaceful resolution is it? Why must Palestinian survival and liberation be entirely bloodless? And why can settlers not leave without bloodshed?

    Why do you think those other countries will just open their arms and take back Israel’s?

    Luckily the settlers have had decades of looting Palestine, so they could afford to leave if necessary. An option that the Palestinian people have been denied by the exploitation and literal encirclement under apartheid.

    They don’t have home nations if they were born in Palestine.

    They have settled within living memory and know very well where they came from.

    This war is fueled by what amount to a religious disagreement.

    No the war is fueled by the continued expansion of a colonial ethnostate which is genociding the native population. You are the one spewing ahistorical garbage. You said as much in your top comment when you admitted to having no knowledge of the situations history. Edit- Sorry, I confused you with the first person, who claimed memory issues to pretend history started on Saturday. The rest of the point stands.

    You don’t see it that way because you’re looking at historical context of the last 100 years on purpose.

    You previously wanted to dilute the issue by examining things as far back as antiquity. Now you want to throw out historical analysis from the relevant time period because it’s inconvenient? Do you have any ideas at all or will you simply say whatever is required?

    This is the equivalent of the movement in America who want to end birthright citizenship. It doesn’t make sense and it’s specifically tied to anti-immigration sentiment that ignores that essential the US is made up of immigrants.

    This is not equivalent at all. Israeli settlers are currently genociding the native population. Whereas in America the current population are settlers who have nearly finished their genocide. Current immigrants to America are not genociding the population. How is that a take you just seriously put forward? Are you a white supremacist buying into great replacement theory?

    Like. I’m not pro Israel.

    You support the status quo that ends with the eradication of the Palestinian people and the dissolution of their state. How are you not pro Isreal?

    But you seem to have drawn your line in the sand and therefore this conversation is over.

    Yes it’s called having an actual position. But sure we can be done now that I’ve had a fair chance to speak.

  • You are being ridiculous by pretending that Israel in antiquity is at all relevant to the current colonial project that was started within living memory. If the families originally came from Palestine then the people are Palestinian regardless of whatever ethnostate bullshit the settler government might have spouted to blur the lines. I am saying that any settler families who have gone to occupy Palestine in the last 80 years should return to their home nations. Anyone else is Palestinian, whether muslim, jewish, or otherwise. And would stay to live under the Palestinian nation.

  • Israeli settlers should return to the country that they or their family came from originally. This is not like settlers in the America’s where we are talking 200+ years of families living there. This started after WW2 when the bigoted west could not bear to live with jews even after the holocaust, so they had to send them off on a settler project to other lands. Palestinian lands. Israelis should go back home, and the places they came from should pay for the reestablishing of their families. As well as paying reparations to Palestine. Isreal is not a legitimate nation. It is a colonial project occupying the nation of Palestine and the settlers must leave if there is to be peace.