• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • It’s already happening in other countries, other first world developed countries have universal healthcare, are looking at reducing full time working hours, implementing UBI not to mention more robust and fair electoral systems.

    America still has a very strong Conservative grift slowing the country’s social progress, but the need for the masses to survive will always outweigh the need for the individual to be greedy so movement towards social benefit is slow but inevitable.

  • I understand that definition of fascism, and you should read the rest of my post for a better understanding of how that fascism operates in modern society. Nothing I’ve stated goes against those definitions, they’ve just been tempered with the context of modern society.

    And yes, capitalism is ‘fascism lite’ if you want an analogy. Profit as a concept is inherently exploitative for the purpose of building wealth and power to exploit more people; power that is used to exert authoritarian control over those who rely on that person’s willing distribution of their excess resources, and will eventually give way to systems that are better focused on social equality.

  • Whether the will of the masses is “right” or “wrong” is irrelevant, society as a construct is one of cooperation for mutual benefit and improved quality of life through cedeing control and authority to those who represent the will of the majority, so if the masses managed to corral themselves into society then the understanding of the benefit of cooperation is strong in the social consciousness.

    A result of this is the understanding that anything that works against the will of the masses to benefit from cooperation is unsustainable because it involves exploitation of the least protected sections of society.

    This means that anyone trying to abuse and mismanage social systems for their own selfish benefit (emotional, financial, or otherwise) are objectively harming society. Ergo, anything that restricts the will of the masses by allowing selfish minorities to exploit their way to wealth and power and to further let them diminish the capacity of the majority to benefit from social cooperation is forced without consent, we call these actions “fascist”.

    Fascism was the default social structure, he who controls the resources controls the society, but instead of that being an elected government of the populace it was one guy and his family that abused their position to maintain that position however possible from the first time an ape stole another ape’s rock to a king stealing another king’s country.

    Society has slowly been slowly wresting control from the selfish individual to support the masses as social consciousness grows, democracy was one of the biggest steps in that direction of taking the power out of the hands of fascists and putting it into the hands of the people. But it’s a work in progress, and those that are selfish and want to hold back the progress of social benefit are thusly called conservatives, because they wish to conserve the ability to abuse society for chance to gain more wealth and power than other people as opposed to contributing to society to increase the wealth and power of all the people.

    Many of these fascist systems still exist and will take a significant about of time for society to claim more control away from fascist actors, there will always be an ebb and flow of fascism and selfishness in society but that lessens as time goes on. For example, the Democratic electoral system of the US government has been unable to avoid the influence of fascism over the years as evident by legal voter disenfranchisement through first past the post, non-preferential voting, gerrymandering, the electoral college, attempts to limit and remove citizens rights to engage with the electoral system by de-funding postal services and limiting mail voting, etc. These are all fascist claw backs attempting to regain selfish control over societies power structures for their percieved personal benefit.

    Capitalism, a system integrated into almost all modern world cultures and societies is also a fascist concession that is a middle ground between kings owning everything in their kingdom to personal ownership and control, of course exploitation is still present under capitalism, because capitalism is just a stepping stone to a socially beneficial system not an end point of social development, it is also one of the last bastions of fascist control over wealth consolidation.

    I could go on about how all these developments relate to issues in the social order and the inability for individuals to develop cognisance of the nuances of societies current place in human development but it’s starting to feel like rambling.

    If anything I hope that something I said resonates and provides context and understanding of the complex weave that is human social development.

  • Society requires a socially agreed upon level of authoritarianism to enforce the socially agreed upon ruleset. No system of organisation or control is absent from authority, but trying to conflate functional social authority with forced authoritarianism has been something I’m seeing a lot more from fascist thinkers.

    Authority: When the majority tell the government how they wish to be controlled.

    Authoritarianism: When the government tells the majority how they will be controlled.

  • Just because you’re too stupid to comprehend doesn’t mean I’m not communicating clearly, you’ve taken every opportunity to act like a disingenuous fuckwit because your sad that mean people can be mean. Boo hoo. And you’ve been crying about it ever since.

    Talk about not tackling any of the points, if self awareness was a disease you’d be the healthiest person alive.

  • See, here’s how I know you’re a pussy: I stated my position on how I don’t mind interacting with assholes because I’m a dick to stupid, ignorant, disingenuous people (like you), and you got offended. How much of a little whiney bitch do you have to be to get so uppity about someone saying they’re OK with being abrasive to assholes? If you really have a problem with it go hug a fascist after I hurt their feelings.

    The next time you’re having a teary because someone on the Internet upset you with their words (like I have without even trying) remember that there’s people like me who don’t get offended by the incompetence and wilful ignorance of braindead troglodytes with a below 6th grade reading comprehension because you don’t have opinions of value to get offended by.

    You want to talk about keeping up with the conversation? I started the conversation dumbass, it’s my topic we’re conversing over, you’re the idiot who hasn’t gleaned an iota of knowledge from it because instead of asking questions and being inquisitive you got offended and had a cry.