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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • He did not deny her until the day he died. She even lived with him during highschool, and he named a computer after her, even though he made up a bogus acronym to pretend that wasn’t his motivation.

    Woz was worth $500m at one point and is worth $100m today. It’s not like he was cut out of the game, he just wasn’t interested in money or success the way Jobs was. Without Jobs drive for success, Woz would never have shared his inventions with anyone, it was just a private hobby to him.

    Steve was definitely an asshole, but there are plenty of valid criticisms to levy at him, you don’t need to misrepresent anything.

  • Yeah it’s weird how complacent about data everyone is. I was buying a book a couple of weeks ago and they asked for my email address. I said “no thanks” and the cashier started typing “nothanks” and then blinked and was like “wa… what?”. I told them I’m not interested in sharing my email address to buy a book, and their brain melted. They were like “but you have to!” to which I replied “no, I really don’t”. They had to call a manager over because they didn’t even know how to complete a transaction without an email address.