SysOp, Gamer, Nerd. In no particular order.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Banning TikTok would be as good as banning Facebook, Instagram or XTwitter, by that I mean it would be a net gain for society as a whole. But you have to ban them all, without discriminating based on which nation they originated.

    But this is not the case here, this is the US congress enacting barriers towards foreign competitors, just like they did with steel, sugar and cars (ever wondered why you can’t buy one of those little European cars in America?).

    This TikTok bullshit is Huawei all over again. It’s not to protect “national security” or “the children”, the Huawei ban was all about protecting the business of American companies during the transition from 4G to 5G.

  • Anarch157a@lemmy.worldOPtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldRevamped install for Piped
    1 year ago

    You can run with your own reverse proxy Nginx if:

    • You expose the port used by the backend/API with a “ports:” setting on the compose file
    • Expose the socket used by the ytproxy container using a volume that points to a directory in the host

    You’ll still need 3 DNS names and a SSL certificate to cover all three.

    TO configure your Nginx, you can use the template I provided on the config/ directory as a base.

  • Join the fight for the right to repair. Manufacturers (I’m looking at you, Apple) have been removing the ability of end users to repair their own stuff and making it more difficult for independent repair shops to do their jobs. Repairing stuff goes a long way in keeping electronics out of land fills.

    But repairing can be understood as “reusing”, but there’s a first step before reusing, it’s reducing. Basically, stop buying shit that you don’t need. If you don’t buy it, it won’t be manufactured, so it won’t end up as e-waste.

    If people minded more the reduce and reuse, recycling wouldn’t be as needed.

  • When the owner themself doesn’t hide what kind of PoS they are, this is what you get. I have no love for Zuckerberg, but if I can criticize him based on what he does and how he does it and the effects his decisions have on society, any one with brains could without having to resort to low brow insults of measuring contests. That’s basically the difference, one service is managed by someone who, despite all his flaws, is an adult, the other isn’t.

    BTW, I used neutral pronouns for the “chief twitt” and not for Zuck just to spite him and make the point that one doesn’t have to lower the level bellow a certain threshold to provoke, all considering how they hate “woke” stuff…

  • I already did a few months ago. My setup was a mess, everything tacked on the host OS, some stuff installed directly, others as docker, firewall was just a bunch of hand-written iptables rules…

    I got a newer motherboard and CPU to replace my ageing i5-2500K, so I decided to start from scratch.

    First order of business: Something to manage VMs and containers. Second: a decent firewall. Third: One app, one container.

    I ended up with:

    • Proxmox as VM and container manager
    • OPNSense as firewall. Server has 3 network cards (1 built-in, 2 on PCIe slots), the 2 add-ons are passed through to OPNSense, the built in is for managing Proxmox and for the containers .
    • A whole bunch of LXC containers running all sorts of stuff.

    Things look a lot more professional and clean, and it’s all much easier to manage.