Dusty old bones, full of green dust.

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2024


    • Inscryption: I can’t get past the Prospector. 😭
    • World of Horror: 🤷🏿‍♀️
    • Kunitsu-Gami: I’m at the last summit and I can’t keep this girl alive long enough. I’ve been stuck on it for days. 😠
    • Silent Hill: Short Message: I got to the last chase and just didn’t care anymore. And that noise.
    • Sekiro: This is one of only two “Dark Souls” games I enjoyed, but I got stuck on some guy with knives on his hands. I jumped in through the roof and found out there were smaller men with smaller knives in their hands. I tried. The game other is…
    • Code Vein: I had finished that awful Bone Cathedral and was in some snowy part when THEY KNOCKED ME OFF THE EDGE AND I LOST ALL MY SHIT!

  • When it comes to crafting, it’s been great. So many free resources and videos. When I was little I pretty much only knew purl and knit and shyed away from more advanced patterns. I taught myself and if I couldn’t figure it out, I just couldn’t do that pattern. Now I can get even the most difficult pattern and have someone walk me through it, either via forums, if not a knit-a-long. Almost every stitch has a video tutorial. So many free patterns. So many stitches. And even the paid patterns are so creative now. Yes, there are classics, but do you want a mermaid blanket? A Cthulhu hat? Wanna make your cat a custom sweater? It’s just a search away. You can even get specific. I joined a discord for goth stitchers. I don’t talk, but seeing the patterns and resources specifically in that niche has been great.

    I general, if you want to learn how to do something, there’s a tutorial for it. I’ve fixed my toilet, done minor car maintenance, and a lot of things that I usually think I’m just too dumb to figure out. But there’s almost always someone on the internet willing to walk you through it. I sewed my first (very basic and poorly done) garment this weekend. I have always wanted to learn how to sew, and, with a second hand machine and YouTube, I took the first step. I love how easy it is to access information. I love getting lost in the rabbit hole of this new information or that new hobby. I recently asked someone how they knew the history of Vermont curry on a lemmy post. I love that shit. I loved that someone looked it up because they just wanted to know, I like that know I just know a little something extra.

  • I wanted to be a story board artist. I wanted to work in Animation. I just never could get work (and to be fair, I’m not the best artist). It broke my heart. I regret choosing a creative field for school. My lack of talent and forethought is something I regret. I live with the reprocussions of that choice every day. I cried when I watch Arcane. Not because of the story, but I so wished I could have been apart of that quality of artistry. Now I’m doomed to the same job I wanted to avoid because that’s a I can do (customer service based). I’ve had multiple breakdowns since college and probably will until I die 😂

    I didn’t think animation would be easy, or even fun, all the time. But I wonder nearly every day how it would of panned out if I made different choices, if I was smarter, more talented, more motivated, just a better human being. Since I’llikely be working until I die, I often think do “skipping” to the end.

  • So, I’m SINK, so my routine is probably “light.”

    Dishes are done usually daily, but I live alone, so it’s like… My breakfast mug and then whatever dinner is. I usually do it in the morning while I’m waiting for the water to boil.

    I vacuum once every 1-2 weeks depending on the state of the carpet. (I got outside often and sometimes track things in. Also have a long haired cat). I also don’t like bugs, and my carpet is light. The little dots make me anxious.

    I wash the bathroom about once a month, but will spot treatments here and there. (like wiping something down whole brushing my teeth, stuff like that).

    And swifter the kitchen floor whenever it seems gross. I do laundry when I run out of underwear.

    Littler box is usually every day, though I can sometimes skip a day. Usually when I do that, I’m in “animal mode,” so that’ll prompt me to refill bird feeders as well.

    I am awful when it comes to my bedding. I hate doing it for whatever reason.

  • Knitting: My mom gave me a knitting book when I was little and I just kind of never stopped. I knit/craft on and off now.

    Video Games: I guess I was just raised around them. My mom and grandma had a Nintendo, and my grandma had a Sega Genesis (she really like sonic). They were just always there in some capacity.

    Birdwatching: I bought a bird feeder to give my cat some “cat TV” and now I’m just heavily invested in them for some reason. Merlin Bird ID is my pokedex ❤️

  • Do not user Klarma-esque services unless it’s important. Same with payday loans.

    You can use credit cards to build your credit, but your goal should be to pay it off each month. The first month you cannot pay it off in full (sans emergencies), stop using that card until you pay it off.

    Bills get paid first. For loans, if possible, try to pay every two weeks to help bring it down faster.

    Having a pet is not just getting a buddy, you need to be prepared to take care of them. They cost money and will keep costing money until they pass.

    Honestly, check your job’s benifits. They hide a lot of stuff sometimes. It was a year into my employment before I realized my job could make monthly payments on student loans. Their payments have saved me in some tight months. 👀

    Edit: if you live alone and your place is small (or at least one level) you may want to look into a portable ac, even if you have central air. I take a lot of depression naps so I’m usually in my room, so that’s really the only pace I need it. My cat knows where to go when it gets warm and we usually hang out in that room until it gets cooler (of course, if it’s bad, I’ll turn it on). It’s saved me on my electric this year enough to pay for the $160 I got it for (though I was kicking myself because Craigslist had them for cheap).