I don’t know why Nintendo keeps producing this cringey style of trailer in recent years, but they really need to try something else. This comes off as some kid’s dad watching them play the game and pretending to commentate as a character from the game to hype it up. It just falls flat.
I haven’t read the reviews in details, but it seems to be getting some really good scores. So, great news for people like me, who never played the original.
It looks great and ill try it out. I just dont like that its going to be 30 fps when the original was 60. And it doesn’t appear that they changed the game all that much. I hope im wrong and they have some extra features like they did with the other paper mario game. That was really fun to play. The original Gamecube one with mods is a LOT of fun to play.
That is a very weird change to go from 60 to 30. These type of art style the graphics don’t look aged anyways so wonder if I should just emulate the game cube version.
Did they fix the final boss cutscene being unskippable? That shit is like 8 minutes.
Thousand-Year Snore