They already owned 80% and then 96%, so practically speaking it’s not really a big deal, except for maybe investors.
Still, love Monolith Soft, so let’s hope it brings better things.
They already owned 80% and then 96%, so practically speaking it’s not really a big deal, except for maybe investors.
Still, love Monolith Soft, so let’s hope it brings better things.
Ah, cool.
That controller looks very uncomfortable to use. Doesn’t your had feel cramped? Or are you using it with just one hand?
The first one? How are you liking it? It’s still in my backlog.
Well, it’s an old game. I enjoyed the game thoroughly, though I do agree that the game feels a bit over hyped to me. Which is not to say that it isn’t great. But it didn’t feel like as big of a leap as everyone made it seem.
As for side quests, yeah, while most of side content is just kill this or bring that, there are some pretty good side-quests in there.
I have Fitness Boxing 2, and while it’s not perfect, it’s not a bad way to get yourself moving.
Haven’t used it in a while though.
Are they putting them one at a time, or did they released them all and then just posting the videos slowly?
Heh, I guess I’ll wait for the reviews of DKC Returns HD before getting it.
Yeah, going to give it at least one more try. Let’s see how it goes.
How is the difficulty in Donkey Kong Country Returns and Tropical Freeze?
Heh, that’s cute.
Donkey Kong Country is the only Donkey Kong I have actually finished. I made heavy use of save states, but made a rule that I won’t them within the levels. So, basically used them as unlimited lives, and boy, did I need those!
Started Donkey Kong Country 2, but it’s soo difficult. Want to get back to them sometime though.
That’s a really interesting mechanic, exterminating a whole species.
Heh. Haven’t played Deux Ex in a long time, but that’s sad.
Have heard good things about Bug Fables. How are you liking it?
Nice! Love the Cat Quest games, glad to see more content!
Welcome back, and glad to see you get your groove back!
I agree with having too many puzzle pieces in your repertoire, there are many items that do the same things though, so it’s basically which items / method you prefer.
Good luck with Lightning Returns and Snowboard Kids!
That Puyo Puyo match was brutal. That’s pretty much how my game goes too, except I am the one on losing side. If I ever do get back into it (which will probably be if there’s a nice new game), will ping you for tips.
I am same with shmups, though technically speaking, my problem is not with shmup aspect of it, but the bullet hell aspect.
I don’t recall if I played the original GTA or not, but I loved GTA 2. Tanks controls were the norm back then, so don’t recall having much issue with it. Played it a ton.
Interesting, looks good.
As per the article Nintendo already owned 96% of the shares. Original founders had only 4% shares till March. Sometimes after that, Nintendo has acquired those 4% too.