From the archives. Jesus what a grim fucking comic, great contrast between the subject and the cutesy style, which I guess is what made me go “heh, holy shit”

      9 months ago

      They care more about appearing smart to others to feel better about themselves, seems like low wisdom to me. High wisdom is realising that all that posturing makes no sense.

      The way I see it, they are no different from people who spend money to show off and appear even richer than they actually are; posting pictures of themselves in fancy card, private jets, and other things like that. There are many deca-millionaires and billionaires who buy bigger and bigger yachts and jets for that posturing, even modifying their yacht to be longer so it will be registered as a longer yacht even though it’s the same useable space…

      IQ test isn’t nearly as valuable as they make it to be in reality, and I guarantee that many of that club’s members prepared and trained specifically for that test, which makes them appear smarter than they actually are to the people who care about IQ scores. Moreover, this gives them the incentive to believe that IQ scores matter a lot more, because it inflates their self-worth.