The Pentagon asked for less. It most certainly IS over-budget. When I say “the military” I mean the Military Industrial Complex, of course. I’m a supporter of our military, of the people actually in it. With a budget greater than the next ten countries combined, the M-I-C is outlandishly frivolous.
Regarding this, but more to the KC schools topic, it seems like your philosophy of budgeting is that only 100% = success, and anything less = failure.
We have a large budget because we are a rich nation. I have zero issues with what spend as a total. I have issues with why does a plane cost 120 million. It seems we have a lot of waste built in that needs to be reduced.
They had almost zero success. It’s one of those cases where it’s fascinating to read. The schools became so bad they lost their certifications.
1)Zero issue with what was spent. Why does it cost so much?
Cognitive dissonance much?
2)Almost zero success.
I disagree, but it’s way too complicated for you and I to hash out here, especially coming at the issue from opposite ends, you as a perhaps general citizen and me as a teacher. Maybe a long hangout at the corner coffee shop would be in order some day.
I have zero issues with the total dollar amount spent. 3% of our gdp means we spend less than many mentions. It doesn’t mean the money is always spent well.
I don’t we are on the opposite end unless you don’t value eduction. I heavily value education.
The Pentagon asked for less. It most certainly IS over-budget. When I say “the military” I mean the Military Industrial Complex, of course. I’m a supporter of our military, of the people actually in it. With a budget greater than the next ten countries combined, the M-I-C is outlandishly frivolous.
Regarding this, but more to the KC schools topic, it seems like your philosophy of budgeting is that only 100% = success, and anything less = failure.
We have a large budget because we are a rich nation. I have zero issues with what spend as a total. I have issues with why does a plane cost 120 million. It seems we have a lot of waste built in that needs to be reduced.
They had almost zero success. It’s one of those cases where it’s fascinating to read. The schools became so bad they lost their certifications.
1)Zero issue with what was spent. Why does it cost so much?
Cognitive dissonance much?
2)Almost zero success.
I disagree, but it’s way too complicated for you and I to hash out here, especially coming at the issue from opposite ends, you as a perhaps general citizen and me as a teacher. Maybe a long hangout at the corner coffee shop would be in order some day.
I have zero issues with the total dollar amount spent. 3% of our gdp means we spend less than many mentions. It doesn’t mean the money is always spent well.
I don’t we are on the opposite end unless you don’t value eduction. I heavily value education.