Be me.

Wanted to use the mastodon app instead of browser.

Sign up, everything smooth.

Later: Read Lemmy.

See a mastodon link.

Disagree with post, post my critique.

Want to see how my post is rendered.

Post list can’t be sorted and has a weird order.

Scroll and realize that the majority is in agreement.

Post list so long, no way anyone can be expected to read up upon for context.

Feels like random thoughts dumping: Fire and Forget.

Is this how such platforms work? The author prompts something and random people interact with eachother - without a consens at the end of the post? Or am I missing something?

    3 months ago

    Oh, so you were using a Mastodon app to post to Mastodon, and just comparing it to your experience with Lemmy. Yeah, what you experienced is the desired experience, like Twitter. All short-form content, a lot more posting than reading.